We Learned So Much With Rooney and The Adventures of Rooney Cruz RINGLEADERS!

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

My girls and I loved reading The Adventures of Rooney Cruz RINGLEADERS from Truth Becomes Her!

This book is #6 in a series and follows a girl named Rooney through a tough time she's having in school.  An angel helps Rooney navigate the situation through telling Bible stories about great women of the Bible who have very important roles in Jesus' life.  

Kory (5) and I read the book over the course of a few days during our read aloud time in the mornings. Noelle (2) did also stop by and listen and look at the pictures.  

Great for memory verses!

I loved the format of this book, it's not too short and not too long.  Also, it is most important (at least at Kory's age) that there are pictures.  We haven't ventured into chapter books without pictures yet, so The Adventures of Rooney Cruz Ringleaders was perfect for us right now.  The story flows well with a great twist in the middle.  The final chapter leaves you looking forward to the next story!

I was interested in this book series because I had seen ads for it lately and was super impressed with the concept.  I love that the books are geared towards girls and reinforces their worth in Jesus and what they are called to do in their lives by sharing Jesus with others.

The book itself is hardcover with nice glossy pages and a glossy cover.  Usually, hardcover books are a bit stiff and don't open up very well, but this book was not that way.  The font is large enough for ease of reading.  The illustrations are simple, yet beautiful, and display the story well.  There is essentially an illustration every other page. There is no glossary in the book.

Included with the book for our review were several other special bonuses!  We received a Ringleaders coloring book, a Ringleaders Devotional for Girls (ties in with the book, can be used as a study guide), and a (super sweet!) Ringleaders Journal for Mothers and Daughters.  These are also available on the website.

Beautiful illustrations in the coloring book!

After reading the book, I believe this is a good starting point to introducing the gospel to younger kids.  The language used in the book is great for kids to understand and relate to; just like having or listening to a conversation with a friend.

We would recommend this book to any girls ages 7 and up, I would say! I feel that the conversations would be even more meaningful and deep with that age.  It would be a great book to read for story times before bed, or over the course of a few Sunday School days.  My 5 year old did enjoy it, but I feel it would be even more enjoyed if she was a bit older.  I definitely see us purchasing the other books in the series for an upcoming birthday!  I love this concept for teaching the Bible specifically to girls.

As I read the book, even I really enjoyed it!  Spoiler alert: at the end of the book, Rooney learns of Jesus' death and afterward, prays to become saved.  I admit, I got a bit emotional. 

With the Gospel message so well related to children, this book would be a great addition to any reading done before Easter!

Be sure to check out all the other reviews to see how other families enjoyed The Adventures of Rooney Cruz RINGLEADERS.

The Adventures of Rooney Cruz RINGLEADERS {Truth Becomes Her Reviews}


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