Working on my "Big Project"

What a crazy past 2 weeks this has been!  Husband was out of town for a week, K and I drove to my parents' house (4 hours away) for 3 of those days.  Then, K's birthday and low-key party.  Then I kicked into high gear and burned up my sewing machine cranking out bags for my first event as a vendor.

I sold 3 things!

I was happy with that!  And I'm glad I did it.  It feels great to FINALLY do something I've always wanted to do; sell what I make.

As I prepare for my next vendor event (hopefully not procrastinating this time!), I'm also getting back into the groove of working on my "Big Project."  The whole reason behind this Blog.

On July 8th, 2017, on a 12th Anniversary getaway with Husband, we came up with this awesome idea for a project I can work on and he will help me get it off the ground.  It requires me to spend a considerable amount of time in my Bible, so it's a win-win.

I'm doing this project because I didn't have anything like this as K has grown up.  I need/needed something like this!  I'm focusing on helping Mamas hear from God each day and an added bonus on top of that!

Sounds super vague, I know.  But, y'all.  There are copycats out there!  This project is dear to my heart.  Sometimes, I long to get some pages written.  K is seeing me reading my Bible from a young age and I'm so proud of that.

And I am so happy that this idea came about.  Even if I never have anyone use this project, the growth in my faith that I'm experiencing will be reward enough.


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