3 Formula-Feeding "Must-Haves"

*This post contains affiliate links.

I hope this post doesn't stir up something!  But I know there are other Fearless Formula Feeders out there who may be looking for some insight and encouragement.

I am pro-choice when it comes to breastfeeding.  My story of a failed breastfeeding journey is a long one I'll save for another post. So, we had to formula feed very early in K's life.

The first formula we ever tried was Gerber Good Start.  It worked well.  Then we switched to Gerber Good Start Soothe, since she had become a little colicky... and then VERY colicky.

Then, after we discovered she had acid reflux and a milk allergy, we switched her to Enfamil Nutramigen.  This stuff is $36 per can!!  But that is what she needed and the Lord did provide... coupons from Enfamil and $10 Target gift cards every time we bought 3 cans :)

But the one thing that was the most profound and life-changing that was gifted to us was the Baby Breeza formula maker!

Y'all.  It makes a bottle of formula in less than 20 seconds.  As mentioned, K was super colicky, and she would SCREAM when she was hungry.  No ramp-up, no warning, just 0 to screaming.  It got kinda stressful on this first-time, inexperienced Mama.  The Baby Breeza was a hero in our (sleep-deprived) house.  We will be buying a new one for the next Baby!

Another must-have if you're mixing up formula is what I call:  "baby water."  It's called Nursery Water and that is all we used for making formula at home.  We did go on a trip and used regular bottled water one time, but that was the only time, and she was already 14 months old.

Is it worth it to use "special" water?  I'm not a pediatrician and I can't make suggestions, but I used Nursery Water just to be safe :)


The 3rd and final "must-have" for formula feeding for us was a bottle sanitizer.  HOWEVER, when next baby is here, I'm not sure if we will use a sanitizer.  We may just put the bottles in the dishwasher (as our pediatric speech therapist said we could do, much to our relief, but K was already almost a year old).  Again, as first time parents, we wanted to do everything "right" and "safe."  Who knows, maybe we will sanitize bottles again.... but we won't be using Dr Brown's bottles again.  Too many parts, y'all.  And I don't think they even helped with gas that much.

There you have it!  These are some things to consider if you do choose to formula feed or supplement with formula.  Remember, it is JUST FINE to feed formula.  Don't ever let anyone tell you that you made a "bad decision," or make you feel like a failure as a mother.  That is far from the truth.  You are doing a great job, Mama!  Your baby loves you and will bond with you no matter how he or she eats.

Until next time..!


I hope you enjoyed this little slice of my life!  Check back soon for more posts as I begin this Blogging Journey :)


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